Magyar Suzuki wins two awards at the most prestigious communication competition
Our “Together on the Roads” road safety campaign and the press event for the launch of the 4 millionth Esztergom model were both awarded bronze medals in the Prizma Creative PR competition.
The Prizma PR competition, launched in 2009 by the magazine Kreatív, aims to showcase PR communication solutions that have made an impact on society. At Hungary's oldest PR competition, this year 76 entries reached the finals. Magyar Suzuki won five finalist places and two bronze medals at the Budapest awards ceremony.
This is not the first time that the "Together on the Roads" road safety campaign, launched three years ago, has received professional recognition in the field of communication. This year, a driving training day for novice and inexperienced drivers in Zsámbék was awarded a bronze medal in the “Event as a PR tool” category. Another of our events, the production of the 4 millionth Esztergom model, to which we invited journalists, was also awarded a bronze medal in the category “Press Communication Solutions”. The awards were received by Zsuzsanna Bonnár-Csonka, Head of Communications, and Gabriella Szarvas, Senior Communications Officer, on behalf of Magyar Suzuki's Corporate Communications Department.