

Electricity savings 1.898.000 kWh

- Rationalization of machine operation
- Replacement of machine and equipment with more energy efficient types
- Applying inverter drives in technological equipment
- Optimization the number of machines, equipment
- Reducing energy losses
- Reducing heat and cold energy by changing the temperature

Natural gas savings 460.700 Nm3/year (889 tons CO2)

- Rationalization of machine operation
- Replacement of machine and equipment with more energy efficient types
- Applying inverter drives in heat generating equipment
- Optimization of technological process and reducing heat losses
- Rationalization of technological cooling
- Heat recovery from technological processes

Total savings realized in 2024: 6 859 MWh


  2019 2020 2021 2022 2023
Energy savings in previous years 1,8 GWh 2 GWh 12,8 GWh 12,8 GWh 6 239 MWh