Social responsibility
Drive in a way that would make your mom proud!
We are tense, inattentive, impatient, and aggressive in the car, many people use the roads as a racetrack - a change would be needed at social level in order to ensure safe transport. In its “Together on the Roads” campaign, Magyar Suzuki, supported by opinion leaders and experts, created the courteous Highway Code, which could be used to make traffic safer.
Many factors affect the safety of road users, one of the pillars of which is our mental state. The pandemic, the Russian-Ukrainian war and the current economic situation also influence our mental well-being, people are more tense, irritable, and inattentive, while we are active participants of the traffic every day. Based on the research conducted together with Ipsos in 2021 and present year , Magyar Suzuki felt that a change in social behavior pattern is necessary to ensure that all road users are safe on the roads. The research revealed that even the calmest people become frustrated, inattentive, or fearful in a traffic stress situation. In such cases, they swear, honk their horns, deliberately shorten the safety gap, overtake on the right side, or even jump out of the car to engage in a heated verbal battle. However, with some courtesy, kindness, patience, and politeness, most of the respondents would experience some traffic situations more comfortably.
Basic conflict can also be avoided with foresight
But what can be the solution so that everyone could feel safe on the roads regardless of whether they travel on foot, by motorbike, by bicycle or by car?
In András Rusznák’s, a judicial traffic expert, opinion the basic conflict could often be avoided with some attention or courtesy. According to him, what is missing the most is for drivers to be able to assess all the sources of danger in every situation and to see the consequences that led to their creation.
Driving technique trainer László Csörgő believes that the most important thing is to look into ourselves to see if we are doing everything what we expect from the other person while driving, instead of looking at how the other person behaves.
"There are three important behavioral factors in traffic: patience, understanding and time. Let's give ourselves time to get around and understand others," says László Csörgő.
Ideas for an improved transport culture
Magyar Suzuki emphasizes that a safe car is not enough, the responsibility of the individual is also important.
"With the involvement of opinion leaders and transport-related experts, we launched an educational and awareness-raising campaign entitled 'Together on the Roads'. We believe that safe transport is our shared responsibility. We asked influencers to suggest what could help change the transport culture. In the end, we worked out the Courteous Highway Code (E-KRESZ) proposal of Nóra Semjén (creator of the Anyakivan blog, actress) and created the 14 points that supplement the Highway Code. Rather, they affect human emotions, and when applying them, we also take into account the other participants of the traffic," said Zsuzsanna Bonnár-Csonka, head of corporate communications at Magyar Suzuki.
Traffic psychologist Dávid Zerkovitz, responding to the 14 points, said that decisiveness does not preclude being courteous at the same time in a traffic situation.
"It's worth being firm, but also polite in the same situation. This combination is preferred by many on the receiving side, and I regularly come across that the other driver continues to give further the positive impulse to others within minutes," said the traffic psychologist.
András Stohl actor, TV presenter also participated in the round table discussion of Magyar Suzuki's "Together on the Roads" campaign. He said that his own example shows what a price can be paid if we make a wrong decision while driving. At the same time, according to him, it is never too late to change.
"Although 12 years have passed since my second accident, for which I received a prison sentence, even today I often find myself in a situation where drivers do not know what to do when they see me behind the wheel. As part of my punishment, my driver's license was revoked for five years, and since I got it back, under all circumstances, I make sure to comply with the rules of the Highway Code. I have learned from my mistake, and I am trying to make sure it does not happen again. And for those who make bad decisions on the roads today, think about how much a battle on the public roads is worth!" - revealed the actor and television presenter.